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Hikes near Chamonix - Hiking around Saint Gervais

Hikes near Chamonix - Hiking around St. Gervais

Les Lacs Jovet (2174m): Exit ND parking and follow trail to Notre-Dame de la Gorge. You will then continue on past the church and into the mountains towards the Refuge du Bonne Nant. Continuing on you will soon see signs for the lake and the trail will break off to the left.

This is a beautiful glacial lake and a fantastic place for a picnic. The trail is a bit steep in some areas but all and all this is a gentle hike where numerous wildflowers and animals (if you start early!) can be enjoyed.

Lac d'Armancette (1673m): From the parking, the path leading into the forest becomes fairly steep quite quickly. This path will split and you will follow the marked path to your right. The path will soon exit the forest and the lake rests in an inviting hollow.

This is a gentle hike great for a family picnic. The hike begins from the parking Hameau de la Frasse after Les Contamines and takes about 1h55.  Great for the whole family.

Gorge of the Gruvaz: A beautiful walk, shaded by the forest for most of the path. Great for a really sunny and hot day! This walk only has a couple hundred meters change in altitude and is great for the whole family.

From St. Gervais, follow signs towards Les Contamines. Turn at the La Gruvaz sign post and use the parking on the right. This hike takes about two hours and the views of the gorge are breathtaking. Enjoy!


For some of these routes you may want to consider hiring an Independant trek leader as some of these routes are quite demanding.