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Travel by Car from France to Chamonix Mont Blanc

Autoroute Blanche or A40 takes you directly to Chamonix

Let's just imagine that you are in France for your holidays, you're a bit fed up with the pollution and the big historical cities and you do not know what to do or where to go? How about the Chamonix Valley? A bit of skiing or of snowboarding, a lot of fresh air, traditional meals, massages, extreme sports or calm walks around the mountain massif of Mont-Blanc.

If we managed to whet your appetite for Chamonix, then jump in your car and come to the Chamonix Valley! shows you how to get to the region by car:
One can arrive directly to Chamonix town by the Autoroute Blanche (the White Highway) - the A40, a true gateway to the high mountains and the alpine regions. From Mâcon, Saône-et-Loire, follow the Highway A40 to arrive safely and quickly to the Haute-Savoie region.
The A40 leaves from Saône-et-Loire, passing the Ain before ending at the foot of Mont-Blanc. It is possible to follow the traffic in real time on the Internet and to locate easily the areas with problems (traffic jams, closed roads etc.), to anticipate and to make the best decision.

The main cities in France:

Paris – Chamonix Lyon – Chamonix Toulouse – Chamonix
 616 km 225 km  679 km
6 hours (5.30 on the highway) 2.30 (2.00 on the highway) 7.30 (3.30 on the highway)


Strasbourg – Ville de Chamonix Bordeaux – Ville de Chamonix Nice – Ville de Chamonix
407 km 770 km 476 km
5 hours (4.30 on the highway) 8 hours (7 on the highway) 5 hours ( 4 on the highway)

Important Information

French law requires you to have a reflective vest handy in the car as well as an emergency warning triangle. Non-compliance could result in a 90-135 Euro fine. In winter, carry a set of snow chains. Adapt your speed to the traffic condition and respect the european ISA (Intelligent Speed Adaptation). Pay attention to the speed cameras and to the road conditions. The fine can go up to 1500 or 3750 euros, not to mention a 3 months time in jail (for more than 50 km above the legal speed).