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Chamonix Mont-Blanc Bouldering - Chamonix Valley Rock Climbing

Bouldering in Chamonix

Bouldering in Chamonix is always a popular activity, either in its own right or as training. The boulders at the Col des Montets are in the valley bouldering guide book but also check out the less well known boulders at Medonnet and at Les Houches Coupeau.

Where To Go Bouldering

Check out the following places to see some of the best bouldering sites in the Alps!

Col des Montets Bouldering

There are two main areas at the Col des Montets:

1. The French side: The boulders at the top overlooking the Grands Montets.

2. The Swiss side: On the left on the descent towards Vallorcine, 200m from the Aiguilles Rouges nature reserve.

The French side Bouldering

The rock is gneiss, and although it is the most popular bouldering area in the Chamonix valley, is not too polished. The sun hits the boulders around 10.30am and leaves around 4.30pm but there are shady areas. The setting is spectacular, surrounded by the plantlife of the nature reserve with a backdrop of the Mont Blanc Massif. These boulders are suitable for beginners and experienced climbers alike, with grades from 3 to 7c . The largest boulder, "The Transat" has two bolts on the top for top roping. Access is from a small path that starts opposite the carpark.

The Swiss side Bouldering

These gneiss boulders are situated on the left, about 200m down from the nature reserve at the very top of the Col de Montets, on the descent towards Vallorcine.  This area is dominated by a large central boulder which is equipped to top rope. One side is overhanging, has grades from 6a to 7b and can be climbed when raining. The other side is often used by children and groups. Parking is at the roadside.

Medonnet Bouldering


One of the better bouldering sites, with a Fontainbleau feel. Good quality rock (gneiss), with good landings. The many trees offer shade cover on those hot summer days.

How to get here?

From Sallanches follow the N212 from Domancy towards Megève , after 3km turn right towards Cordon Nantcruy. 300m further down is the small car park at the side of the woods of Medonnet.

(200m before the Chapel of Medonnet).

Bouldering at Medonnet

1. Lambda 6b.

2. Y'a une route 6b.

3. En parlant de viol 6c.

4. Magie noire 6a.

5. Black Sabbath 6c.

6. Merlu only 7c.

7. The Healer 6c.

8. Ambiance Mondeville 6c?8b Ci-git Momo, le roi des animos 7b.

9. Dévers 7a.

10. Dévers bis 6c.

11. La Voie sans retour 7a.

12. Annie Mae 7a.

13. Saltimbanque 6b.

14. Mourir en Paix 6b.

15. L'Arnaque 6c.

16. Le Test (statique) 7a.

17. Doigts d'Acier 7a.

18. Tupilak Blues 7a.

19. Deep Blue Sea 6c.

20. Le Réta 6a.

21. Chienne d'Idée 7a.

22. Auberge 7a.

23. D'une Reglette à l'Autre 7b.

24. Odile 6.

25. Exil 6.

26. L'Etrave 7.

27. Année Sabbatique 6b.

28. Sexagénaire Only 6.

29. La Bouse de Là 7a.

30. Des hauts, des bas 7.

31. Mort à Crédit 6? 31bis Viol de Nuit 7.

32. Féerie pour une autre fois 8a.

Les Houches / Coupeau Boldering

Bouldering Les Houces

How to get there: The two bouldering areas are on the other side of the valley from Les Houches, up towards Merlet and Coupeau. Drive towards Merlet, past the railway station, count 2 bends and park by the Archery field (tir à l'arc). Walk into the forest and along a track for 5 mins to a small clearing with the number 20 painted on a tree and a rock. The boulders are here. The private track to the Gite Tupilak goes off to the right.

Les Houches/Coupeau Boulders

1. Dadoon, 6b.

2. Mack the knife, 7b.

3. Sang pour sang, 7b.

4. Ecosystème, 6a.

5. Noces des cendres, 7c.

6. Pontoise Cabareus, 5c.

7. Lamotte Bergeron, 5b.

8. Ecartèlements, 6b.

9. De l'Inconvénient d'etre né grimpeur, 7a.

10. Le sémillant bardamu, 7c /8a.

11. Les berlines suceuses, 3c.

Pascale Boulder

Pascale Boulder

The Pascal Boulder can be found by continuing another five minutes along the same path that takes you to the Les Houches/Coupeau boulders.  

Pascal Boulder

1. Comment Ai-je pu? 6b, edge.

2. Un ami, 6b, wall.

3. Bon espoir, 6a, slab.

4. Grand-père.

5. Nez percé, 7b.

6. La force tranquille.

7. L'intégrale de la Vie (project).

8. Baby relax, 6c.

9. Sanatorium 7a.