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Seasonaires Caravans return to Grépon - Chamonix news

With the lack of affordable seasonaire accommodation, many have turned to camping cars, caravans and refitted vehicles as the solution. 15 out of the 17 vehicles house working seasonaires. The mayor, Eric Fournier has agreed for the Grépon to be re-opened Friday as a temporary solution. Appalled that employers allow their employees to live this way, he would like to work with social services to find a more permanent solution for those with work contracts and be stricter against pure ski bums. Unfortunately, this doesn't even seem to address the problem encountered by seasonaires who overpopulate extremely over-priced "seasonal studios," can't even afford a camping car, but who are, mercifully for the community, out of the public eye.

New and Improved Chamonix buses conform to European standards - Chamonix news
MBU season and year pass holders invited to a mountain safety lesson - Chamonix news