It was the champion Guy Périllat, in person, who told us: “Saturday, I will be on the Verte of Les Houches to take part in the large chain. It's important for me. On this mythic slope, that I gained twice. And I am here to support Annecy 2018”. Within the framework of the support for the high-Savoyard candidature for the Olympic Games of 2018, the operation of Saturday in Les Houches, organized by the communes of Chamonix, will be without question one of the great key moments. Objective: to bring together at least 2.018 people, skiers or snowboarders, which, throughout the 3,5 km of the track of men's downhill, will form a human chain. A 'ola' for Antoine Dénériaz is also programmed. The Tourist office of Houches thought of all. Each volunteer must register him self and take a tee-shirt before 9:30am, which will enable him to ski free on the field. But at 13 hours, it will be necessary to be set up on the track. According to the color of its tee-shirt (red, green, orange). The Olympic champion Antoine Dénériaz who should descend La Verte, where the human chain reserves a 'ola' to him. Among the VIP, the mayor d' Annecy Jean-Luc Rigaut is obviously awaited. Yesterday morning, the inscriptions had crossed the bar of the 800. For Didier Josephe, director of the office of Houches, this event will be a sucess.. Yesterday morning, British ski academy, based in Houches, held some 250 tee-shirts HOW TO TAKE PART Each one is invited to take part in this action of mobilization and will be able to ski free. At 9h am you must get your tee-shirt especially dedicated to the operation on the carpark of the cable car of Bellevue. The skiers and snowboarders will have then go to 13:00, according to the color of their tee-shirt, on arrivals of the chair-lifts of Kandahar (green), of Maisonneuve (red) and World cup (orange). Information and inscriptions: 04 50 55 50 62.
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