It was an aeroplane who gave the alarm to the PGHM of Chamonix. Saturday afternoon, after several passages along this mythical wall of the basin d' Argentière, the pilot decided to call the PGHM. According to him, two back bags seemed abandoned at the foot of the north face of the Droites. Around 5 p.m., the helicopter of PGHM took off for a recognition. Unfortunately, at the foot of the face, instead of bags, the PGHM discovered two lifeless body. The 2 climbers were a guide of 47 year old and his rope partner of 34 years old. Indeed, the 34 years old climber was Jean-Louis Manesse, mathematics professor and mountaineer for 15 years, who had climbed Gasherbrum II (8 035 meters) without oxygen. As for the guide Philippe Mengin, he was professor d' EPS, person in charge of the studies in sciences and technology of the physical-activities and sporting (Staps) d' Épinal and guide since 20 years. The two men were old friends and accustomed to climb together, in particular in the Himalayas. Questions about the reasons of their fall As regards the circumstances of the accident, they will remain probably mysterious. Some effects were located by the pilot of the PGHM half way on the face, but it will be difficult to estimate the departure of the fall. As for the reasons, they are not clear either: a fault of cramponnage, anchoring of ice axe or the fall of a block of ice or snow which would have unbalanced them… At 6 p.m., the two bodies were rescued into the valley.