Major Arnaud Bayol and his rope companion, Sergeant Cédric Rabinand have just jumped for the first time from the summit of les Aiguille des Deux Aigles (3.487 m) with their wingsuit.
Arnaud Bayol and Cédric Rabinand, paralpinists from the High Mountain Military Group (GMHM), are the first practitioners of this impressive discipline to have set off from the Aiguille des Deux Aigles, a summit close to the Aiguille du Plan.
According to Le Dauphine, to reach this take-off point, the two men crossed the Midi Plan from the Aiguille du Midi before climbing the steep slopes of a glacier and climbing a hundred meters to climb up to to this double tapered point. On the other side, 2.500 meters of vacuum separate them from Chamonix where they landed after a flight of less than two minutes.
An analysis of the terrain that is always done in partners
“We take with us a laser rangefinder, the size of a small camera. It allows us to have a better idea of the topography and to compare it with our experience and our database, explained Arnaud Bayol.
An analysis of the terrain that is always done in partners. Nevertheless, despite their experience and their mastery of this high-flying discipline, the adrenaline rush always resurfaces when diving into the void.
Responsible for testing new modes of travel in the mountains
A performance which, if it remains spectacular, is not unique in the ranks of this group of paralpinists responsible for testing new modes of travel in the mountains for the army.
The GMHM is an elite unit of the peaks based in Chamonix, a showcase for the Army which also serves as a laboratory for experimenting with new techniques and testing the resistance of mountaineers, among the most talented, in the great cold and in the mountain environment. The latter then train and advise the rest of the troops likely to intervene at altitude.
Source: @Le Dauphine
See the video with the wingsuit flight on facebook, click below
🚨🏔À Chamonix, le major Arnaud Bayol et le sergent-chef Cédric Rabinand du GMHM viennent de réussir pour la première fois le décollage en Wingsuit du sommet de l’Aiguille des 2 Aigles (3487mètres). Bravo, c’est impressionnant 😵😵 #chamonix #sport #montagne #wingsuit #montblanc
— the_8000m (@8000mThe) February 27, 2023