Chamonix Budget 2013: No tax increase. Capital spending up

At the last Chamonix council meeting, the elected officials decided to retain the same rate of local taxation in 2013 that was in place for 2012. This is good news for the habiitants of the valley: no communal tax rise in Chamonix.

The town of Chamonix will invest €12 million this year. In addition, the inter-communal budget adds another €4 million, providing a total Capital budget for 2013 of €16 million.

The overall Operating budget for the town of Chamonix is €31.6 million in 2013

Source Radio Mont Blanc

Un autre skieur trouve la mort en hors piste, cette fois au Pas de Chèvre
À Chamonix, pas de hausse des impôts locaux en 2013