The record, for the fastest descent of Mont-Blanc is held by the Catalan, Kilian Journet at 1 hour 7 minutes.
On Wednesday, April 24, 2013, a team of five skiers attempts to beat that downhill record.
Any route is permitted, from the summit at 4810m to the designated destination, the main church in the centre of Chamonix, at 1038m.
The ski team will climb Mont Blanc via the Great Mulets, then take a steep descent route, to the entrance of the Mont-Blanc tunnel.
From there, they continue on to the church by bi-cycle.
The five skiers are:
Nicolas Anthonioz (four times winner of the derby Meije and the "brain" of the project)
Olivier Meynet (Freerider)
Seb Bron (Aspirant Guide)
Guillaume Meynet (Aspirant Guide)
Guillaume Omont (High Mountain Guide)
Check back for more news: this happens Wednesday morning, April 24th 2013
Source Le Dauphiné
UPDATE: New Record Set 14 May 2013