2014 UTMB Results

Sunday, 31 Aug 2014, the 2014 edition of the UTMB revealed its winners. In the male's category, François D'Haene, winner of the 2012 UTMB, finished first in a remarkable 20h11'44'' - a new record for the UTMB.
Rory Bosio, the American female runner made the double, by winning for the second time in a row the UTMB.

UTMB® [Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc®]

(168 km, 9600 m D+, semi-autonomy, max 2300 runners)

Every year, at the end of August, the trails around the Mont Blanc get really busy for one of the most amazing competitions ever organized, The North Face Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB). A complete tour of the Mont Blanc Massif, passing through 3 countries: France, Switzerland and Italy; a must for all the trail runners.

From start to finish, the 7th edition of “the race of all the superlatives”, seemed to run like a master class put on by winner François D’Haene. His run was clean, with no major problems. D’Haene established a new record (20h11'44") and surpassed the previous record held by 2014's champ, Xavier Thevenard.
Another premiere for the UTMB, Tòfol Castanyer and Iker Karrera, who run as a team throughtout the entire tace, arrived in second place (20h55'42"). In an awesome example of teammate-ship and friendship, the pair ran pretty much together all the way to the finish.

In the women's competition, Rory Bosio, the 2013 winner, didn’t lead from the get go. Instead, she let the early pushers Núria Picas and third place Nathalie Mauclair do the heavy lifting...for more than half the way. On the last kilometres she took her lead back and kept it.


UTMB 2014 Men UTMB 2014 Women
1. François D’Haene – 20h11'44" 1. Rory Bosio – 23h23'20"
2. Tòfol Castanyer — 20h55'42" 2. Núria Picas — 24h54'29"
3. Iker Karrera — 20h55'42" 3. Nathalie Mauclair — 25h47'35"
4. Jason Schlarb — 21h39'44" 4. Fernanda Maciel — 26h05'47"
5. Gediminas Grinius — 21h50'04" 5. Uxue Fraile — 26h22'19"


CCC® [Courmayeur-Champex-Chamonix]

(101 km, 6100 m D+, semi-autonomy, max 1900 runners)

Indisputable victory of Pau Bartolo, the 2014 winner of the 80km. From the very start of the race he took the lead and remained in first position until the finish. Christophe Perillat second place, is an "intermittent" of the trail, as his main discipline is the cross-country skiing, but he sometimes feels the need to come back to his true love, trail. On the third position, at only 2 min difference arrives the French trailer, Anthony Gay.

In women's competition, the French trailers dominated from the start to the finish: Anne Lise Rousset won the race in just 14h28'48" followed by the Spanish female trailer Cristina Bes Ginesta and, the French Aline Grimaud.


CCC 2014 Men CCC 2014 Women
1. Pau Bartolo – 11h21'16" 1. Anne Lise Rousset – 14h28'48"
2. Christophe Perillat – 11h50'47" 2. Cristina Bes Ginesta – 14h43'55"
3. Anthony Gay – 11h52'18" 3. Aline Grimaud – 15h11'36"
4. René Rovena – 11h54'16" 4. Sylvaine Cussot – 15h47'50"
5. Giulio Ornati – 11h55'29" 5. Gina Lucrezzi – 15h59'13"


TDS® [sur les Traces des Ducs de Savoie]

(300 km, 28 000 m D+, complete autonomy, max 1600 runners)
Xavier Thevenard is the first to cross the finish line of the TDS in Chamonix. With this victory, he becomes the first to win three different UTMB races (CCC in 2010 and UTMB in 2013). In the women's competition, Teresa Nimes Perez arrives first at the finish line of the TDS.


Men Women
1. Xavier Thevenard - 21h12'09" 1. Teresa Nimes Perez - 1h42'44"
2. Samir Tamang - 21h47'05" 2. Lisa Borzani - 2h42'26"
3. Jordi Bes - 21h49'19" 3. Nerea Martinez Urruzola - 3h50'07"

OCC [Orsières-Champex-Chamonix]

(53 km, 3300 m D+, max 1200 m runners)

On this first edition the OCC, the UTMB's brand new team race, the winner is the French runner Nicolas Martin. Sonia Glarey, the Italian female trailer obtains a victory in only 6h37', to the delight of all her supporters.

Men Women
1. Nicolas Martin - 5h07’45 1. Sonia Glarey - 6h37'
2. Régis Durand - 5h23’59 2. Sandrine Motto-Ros - 6h57'
3. Marc Pinsach – 5h25’50 3. Stéphanie Mattei - 7h03'


PTL® [Petite Trotte à Léon]

(300 km, 28 000 m D+, complete autonomy, max 100 teams)

Saturday, 30 Aug 2014, Les Patrouilleurs Celestes, (the Celestial Patrolers), the male team composed of Bernard Godon and Alain Steeman clinched the victory in the 2014 PTL.
The PTL is an extended Mont Blanc tour, allowing the trailers to cross unmarked borders to the surrounding mountain ranges, the highest of the Alpine's tops.

Hospital closes Sept 2014
Hospital closes Sept 2014